The Cafeteria | DiscordListing
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The Cafeteria


A 21+ server built to help you create meaningful connections, just like you might have had back in the day during lunch time in the school cafeteria.

We're looking to build a very familial atmosphere, and are very welcoming to newcomers. If you'd like to be part of a family-oriented group, we've saved you a seat at the lunch table! :)

  • 'safe for work' environment - we're adults, but we try to keep it clean

  • international representation - we want to make friends all over the world

  • active, meaningful voice/text chats - we love making strong connections

  • games, events, presentations - we do whatever helps us have fun together

  • unique and clever bots - fun little distractions and diversions to engage you


Language: en-US Votes: 10 Members: 19 Owner: fireshooter99 Special Badges:

Upcoming Events

No upcoming events!