Xeon’s camo services | DiscordListing
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Xeon’s camo services

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MW2-WARZONE-2.0 Camo service 10 WZ 2.0 loadouts £10 10 mw2 multiplayer loadouts £10 !!! PLEASE MESSAGE ME BEFOR BUYING !!! !!On eBay or discord !! I am offering a service where I will login to your account and give you whatever camo you want on your 10 loadouts on Warzone 2.0 ! MW2 Multiplayer camos are only available for PC players. If you are on console and you want Multiplayer camos, you need a battle.net account that has the full MW2 game purchased, I will NOT provide this for you. If you're on console, all you need to do is make a battle.net account and link your console account to that battle.net account. I can walk you through it if you're unsure. Add me on discord for faster replies: https://discord.gg/jYPSJfbW DISCLAIMER: I am in no way responsible for any bans or suspensions that occur on your account once the service has been completed. No refunds will be given under any circumstances, once I have completed the service, and no refunds will be given. It is your responsibility if a ban or suspension occurs, once the service has been completed.


Language: en-US Votes: 1 Members: 36 Owner: Xeon Special Badges:

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