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Why do these guys care so much about looks? Isn’t that what girls do? Guys just have to be confident! Girls are less visual and care way more about personality than looks.

This is a lie, a blatant one at that. You see, what dating coaches try to do is twist reality to fit their needs. “Girls aren’t visually stimulated, so you have to have a good personality blah blah.”

What it truly means IS: “Girls only have strong s*xual desires for the top 10-20 percent of men, they are more visually pickier than men, who would fk nearly anything.

If you made a girl laugh today (because you know you have to entertain a girl knowing otherwise she wouldn't give a sh** about you), and you’re ugly, she’ll go home tonight without a lasting thought of you in her mind.

If you were hot and said the same joke, she’d be writing about you in her diary, texting her friends about you about how funny you are. She'd stalk your Instagram and try to find out more about you.

The shape of your skull is the only difference...

This is reality. Speaking to all the virtue-signaling, bluepilled bullsh**ters that consistently try to tell you otherwise. Only when aware of the truth- can you address the issue.


Language: en-US Votes: 2 Members: 76 Owner: dotorguser Special Badges:

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