Kamie's server | DiscordListing
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Kamie's server

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-Welcome to Britannia RP! We are a Seven Deadly Sins roleplay server. We are relatively new, but we welcome you to join us and start our roleplay. If you are lucky enough to be an early joiner, you are able to claim a specified role, which gives you more power in the roleplay. Thank you for checking us out!

Server Information: -A welcoming community -Plenty of channels to keep you entertained -Regular Development -Early Development

What we offer: -A wonderous adventure in a whole different world -Plenty of fun to entertain you -A wonderful staff team

Administration: -Staff registration: Open

Specified Roles: -There are plenty of specified roles still left to take when you join early

And finally.... -Thank you for joining this server, and feel free to join the fun!


Language: en-US Votes: 2 Members: 2 Owner: kamie2222 Special Badges:

Upcoming Events

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