Gaming Server! | DiscordListing
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Gaming Server!

Join Hello Welcome to a server It's a gaming server with 20 online people, 55 members And were close to getting 60 members Let's get to the point.

You can meet a lot of people, friends, other guys who also play a lot, together and always. Discover new channels, chat on new ones, stay tuned for announcements, follow the rules and find your bets gaming experience. Originally, i wanted to advertise it in reddit, subreddit r/discord, but i couldnt cuz of yes u know, mods who tell u to have karma, bruh bruh anyways back to the point im gonna send a original message This gaming server has a lot of channels, like voice chat, music voice chats and more. Bot channels, national chatting, rules, announcements and multi purpose bots. It is a nice place to spam in one channel only, if u dont like it, then mute this channel. Im just here promoting my server, we need to get to 50 members, im not joking, when u join u can look for urself. And im here writing a 200 word description, im gonna use a post flair on reddit,subreddit r/discordapp frfr. You can also be promoted to mod if u are fully trusted, and to be member or gamer. It requires for u to be member atleast 2nd level. It requires for u to be gamer atleast a 5th level. This is a community server. There will be a huge amount of people online more than 20, and u can find people to play, be friends and more. You can just join, and do nothing or anything u want. Idc, u can invite ur friends here if u want idc. Im just getting it popular, im getting the post popular. Im cubemania, this cubemania, this is cubemania's message and im getting 200 words to let it apply, lets go, im mr 69 the owner and cubemania the promoter

So yeah, you can join or not join, because it is a great place to chat with people, discuss games, voice chat in voice channels or stay here. Don't forget you can roleplay in specific channels and post media in media category channels.

Have fun ~ mr 69 and cubemania


Language: en-US Votes: 0 Members: 56 Owner: mr_sixtynine Special Badges:

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invite ur friends
Starts April 3, 2025, 4 p.m.
pls invite ur friends 1 Interested