cinnamoangelss <3 | DiscordListing
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cinnamoangelss <3

Join Website

cinnamon roll server, or sanrio lovers out there!! trying to make this into discovery so please help me make it!! there are roles, giveaways, staff applications that would be open to 50+ active members, and more!! join to have some fun, joining the staff would let you have some awesome perks, like chatting in other channels where members cannot, making roles especially for YOU, and much more! Join for some sanrio fun, we also have a insta ACC, be sure to follow that as well ! <33 we appreciate every single one of you for joining !


Language: en-US Votes: 2 Members: 24 Owner: che1saii.obvii Special Badges:

Upcoming Events

・❥・꒰ cinnamoroll's birthday꒱
Starts March 15, 2025, 7 p.m.
cinnamoroll's birthday! 1 Interested